New Debian Maintainers
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[ Please do not reply to debian-devel-announce. ]
[ One last time to debian-devel-announce. Unfortunately, I didn't get
very much feedback as to which list I should post to and the
majority of it suggested the announces stay on here. I don't
actually think these posts are important enough to merit being on
debian-devel-announce, so from next week on they will go to
debian-project. If you don't like this, say so... ]
This is the weekly progress report about new maintainers. The
following people were accepted as maintainers for Debian GNU within
the last week.
Luca Filipoz <>
Luca maintains doxygen (a documentation system for C, C++ and IDL)
and wmtz (a wmaker dock app that displays the time in different
zones). He is also packaging nut (Network UPS Tools).
Roland Bauerschmidt <>
Roland maints fujiplay (an interface for Fuji digital cameras),
libctk (toolkit for writing textbased GUIs) and pnm2ppa (a PPM to
PPA convertor).
Peter Karlsson <>
Peter maintains turqstat (a Fidonet and Usenet message base
statistics program), multimail (an offline reader for Blue Wave,
QWK, OMEN and SOUP) and crashmail (JAM and *.MSG capable Fidonet
tosser). Peter is also involved with Swedish transaltions (e.g. of
the web pages and dpkg).
Eric Schwartz <>
Eric is intending to adopt gforth and some other packages from
Bdale. He may also help out with the parisc port.
Michael Vogt <>
Michael intends to take over xblast and the OpenBSD ftpd package.
Michael maintains the corewars package and he also intends to work
on adding and improving LDAP functionality to/in Debian.
Ian Maclaine-cross <>
Ian is adopting the mirror package from Dirk.
Jordi Mallach <>
Jordi maintains nano (a free pico), wmbiff (biff for wmaker), micq
(text-mode icq client) and amcl (a GTK MUD client).
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