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Re: Linux World Expo in NY


I live about an hour from NYC and was planning to go to the Expo anyways.
I'm willing to help out at the Debian booth and I can take my laptop 
(ThinkPad 770Z) for the show, though I can't leave it there when I'm not
there. Is it possible to volunteer just for, say, 2-3 days? I don't think I
could be there every day and on the 31st, too.

Also, if someone needs a place to sleep (students, people from abroad) I can
provide accommodation for a few people. Daily commute costs $15-20 round
trip and takes about an hour.


On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Darren O. Benham wrote:

> Debian needs volunteers and equipment for the Linux World Expo both in New
> York City.  Setup will begin January 31st so we need to have our ducks in a
> row in the next couple of weeks.
> --
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