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Re: Gnome to be removed from debian?

On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 04:00:39PM -0500, Brian Almeida wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 02:20:31PM -0600, Adam Heath wrote:
> > Alpha software he says.  Just one more reason not to include it.  I can live
> > with pkging beta software.  But not alpha.
> As I said on IRC, we should stuff it in experimental. Just because RH ships
> with linuxconf does not mean we do. So just put it in experimental until it
> becomes non-alpha.

Umm there is no reason for that. Just leave it where it is, there is
supposedly a stable *release* coming up within a month or so...

|Stephen Crowley      stephenc@wf.net, crow@debian.org      |
|Debian GNU/Linux     http://www.debian.org                 |
|GPG Key              http://va.debain.org/~crow/public.key |
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