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Re: Gnome to be removed from debian?

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Adam Heath wrote:
> > 
> > The upstream gnome developers aren't bumping the soname.  How else do you
> > explain how dpkg can say all dependencies are filled, yet a gnome app
> > segfaults?

This isn't me.  I hardly run x.  I don't use gnome.  Muggles on irc updated
his gnome to work with gnome-apt, and the rest of his gnome progs failed.

> That could be - 
>  * Mistakes in the upstream tarball for any of the almost 30 libraries
>    involved - submit a bug report
>  * Packaging mistakes in any of those libraries
>  * Crufty headers on the machine where the app was compiled
>  * The app is just broken - bug report.
>  * The library is just broken - bug report.
>  * You have old cruft on your machine.
>  * etc., ad infinitum.
> Submit a bug report. Or wait for 1.0. 

This is not a problem that a debian developer has.  This is an end-user
problem.  They come into irc, saying that such and such gnome prog doesn't
work, but apt says everything is fine.  This shouldn't even be a prob.  The
library that such and such program used, should not have been replaced with a
incompatible library with the same soname.  And to have the debian packager of
gnome artificialy inflate the soname isn't a sane way to handle it.

> I'm sorry but it is simply not acceptable to gripe about bugs in alpha
> software. Especially *free* alpha software. Reporting them is fine,
> griping is not.

Alpha software he says.  Just one more reason not to include it.  I can live
with pkging beta software.  But not alpha.


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