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Re: Proposal: New /etc/alternatives/www-browser*

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Bill Allombert wrote:

> I start a thread on a similar topic one year ago
> <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2001/debian-devel-200104/msg00300.html>
> the most enlightening answer was
> <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2001/debian-devel-200104/msg01071.html>
> ...
> Unfortunately browsers in woody only know about text/html MIME type, at
> least lynx, w3m, mozilla, konqueror and skipstone, so it is not currently a
> solution, but can become one.
While this thread is connected to the sampic in my opinion the
alternatives suggestion I proposed is not really hard to implement and
does at least solve the problem to create valid menu entries or build
*-client packages as I proposed.

While your proposal is more general and would be great to implement it
is more than I was looking for.  However, in my opinion the alternatives
could be one step to your solution if I'm not completely wrong.

Kind regards


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