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Re: RFD: translated description with dpkg

sorry to answer to myself, but i can't even manage to write correct mails.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2001 at 08:32:52AM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> But what about tagging all such bugs 'l10n' ? I'm very pleased of the idea
> of large NMU l10n bug squashing party when near to release.
> It would be a really good thing. 
> Pro:
>  - Easier for translator to search out if a translation is already done or not
>  - Nativ speaker could search such bug, and review the translation, so that
>    the maintainer could be sure that the patch is a good patch.
>  - When a release comes, it's easier to search out which package need a l10n
>    NMU. 
> Cons:
>  - Not sure how to ask for a new patch in the BTS.

s/new patch/new tag/
of course.

/me promise to pay more attention in the future.

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