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Re: RFD: translated description with dpkg

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 10:28:25AM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Michael Bramer wrote:
> >     - The deb package is growing with the number of translations
> >       added.
> The extra translations are going to take up space /somewhere/ in the archive.
> Are you concerned about this specifically because of download times?  Because
> it takes up space on CDs, meaning resellers have to either put fewer packages
> on a disk or rebuild the packages themselves, taking out the translations?
> This latter point seems persuasive to me, although I wonder how much space
> these descriptions will really occupy in each package.  We do have debconf
> translations in the packages already, after all.  How many packages would be
> pushed off of CD1 if we made space for (highly compressible) translations?
> One?  Two?  Or would the translations fit in the spaces between?

make a calculation:
if we support only 10 languages (btw: we have 38 kde-i18n-* packages)
and now the descriptions of all sid/main/binary-i386 packages is 
3 MB, we have 30 MB (with 38 packages 114MB). Maybe all in one file...

If you must download this packages file, this is not nice. If you
install some more packages, you use more size.

But this is all not the real problem. I see the more important point
in the upload and delay problem. 

If the maintainer don't delay, he make a new source upload because of every 
new translation, new changes and spelling fixes, etc. With this he
upload some packages without code changes and this all hit the build

Or he make a delay...

> >     - unneeded translation on the system.
> >       Normal a system have only one (or maybe some) system admins (aka
> >       root's). The all speach the same languages (or only some). A
> >       german root user don't need japanese package description. He
> >       only need the german and (as fallback) the english description.
> I don't see where having the translated descriptions within the .deb file
> means they must also take up space on the end-user's system.  If they're in
> the .deb, they take up space in the archive, and they take up bandwidth when
> downloading; but when the package is installed, there's no reason to keep
> descriptions other than the ones the administrator has asked to keep...

We don't have this now in our package menagement system. If you will
add this, this are more changes in the dpkg...

> >     - if you put all translations in the same file, you'll have
> >       encoding problems
> But this is a problem that must be solved anyway, because we currently do
> this with debconf templates!

sorry, debconf use a the 'debconf-mergetemplate' to support more files
with own encodings... This is imho a hack, but maybe we can use this
in a decentral solution.

But I don't like a debconf translation. I don't like all this
translation in one package, but this is a other story...

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
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