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Re: LDAP authentication with PAM

Previously Brian May wrote:
> - every client requires a /etc/ldap.secret file which, AFAIK (guessing) allows
>   the client to access the passwords of users and allows programs like chsh,
>   chfn, and password to work.

Not at all. ldap.secret can be used to allow root to login to the LDAP
database as a special user so it can make changes normal users are
not allowed to make.

LDAP supports a special `auth' access option where it will verify a
password which is what PAM uses.

Also, I have SSL-enabled LDAP package for potato available at

> Also, I am getting totally confused with the different PAM
> services.

That is nicely documented in the pam-doc package.

> Why do gdm and imap have password specified in /etc/pam.d/gdm,imap?
> (I would be surprised if imap supported changing the password, not
> sure about gdm).

They probably don't use them but someone copied over a template.

> I don't like this duplication of information much though.

You can also remove files so PAM will fall back to using /etc/pam.d/other
which you can fill with standard settings.


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