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Re: A new user experience for Jessy ?

Heya !

As you can see in the repo, the source background is now a gray-scale svg background.
On top of it, there is a color layer in "product" mode.

If you are pleased with these changes, I can do the same for the other svg files, so one can change the entire color theme !


Le 24/10/2013 15:09, Adrien Aubourg a écrit :
I totally understand the need of a svg background.

Before anything else, I'll try to convert the bitmap background to a vector background.

I'll keep you up to date ;)


Le 24/10/2013 15:07, ValessioBrito a écrit :
I'm eager to seeing your work and collaborate.

Being a photo, do not need the SVG.

But Debian has a history of not putting photos as background default,
in the case of being a very good photo, we might have a chance.

Thought in SVG, if a wallpaper and clean with few elements (as it has
been in Debian since then).

Sorry my english and grateful attention,
Valessio Brito

2013/10/24 Adrien Aubourg <adrien.aubourg@gmail.com>:

Thanks for the repo access. I will upload all I have so far (which is mainly
rough materials).
The background comes from a camera picture, but I guess I could use the
inkscape's plugin (I forgot its name) to vectorize it, and then apply a
color over it. I will have a look on it in the next weeks.

Well, that's a start !

Thank you,

Le 21/10/2013 01:01, ValessioBrito a écrit :

Hi Adrien,

Sorry for the delay in responding your email.

I put you as the administrator of DebianArt repository[1].

I believe we need to create only SVG backgrounds with alpha channel,
Allowing the user to customize the color of the screen without
changing the graphic and visual elements of the background screen.
I saw the latest update 'Window$ 8.1', the design of the background
screen is fixed or animated, but the user can set the color or tone
without losing the design proposal selected.

[1] https://gitorious.org/+debianart/memberships

2013/10/14 Adrien Aubourg <adrien.aubourg@gmail.com>:
Heya !

I have now some time to work on a theme for Debian 8. I'm willing to do
via the gitorious repo of collabart. Could you give me an access to the
My gitorious' account name is vagdish [1].

The wallpaper will be the theme's base [2]. I won't create deb packages,
i'll try to tweak the config files for popular packages.

Then, maybe I can dream to change the default packages from Gnome to
something more custom, and lighter. Indeed, we may attract new user with something different (like Crunchbang did) without losing advanced users
already install their own set of packages.

Thanks !

[1] https://gitorious.org/~vagdish


Le 19/08/2013 14:47, ValessioBrito a écrit :

I think this is an opportunity to work in collaboration among all
artists, developers and users of Debian. Together we can deliver a
better user experience, from the installer to the desktop version.

I'm available to assist with anything you need.

If you need access to and Gitorious[1] or DebianArt[2], count me out.

[1] https://gitorious.org/themes-debianart/collabart
[2] http://www.debianart.org or http://svn.debianart.org/

2013/8/17 Adrien Aubourg <adrien.aubourg@gmail.com>:
Hey guys !

Yes, Jessy is far from being release as the stable release, but it's
soon to begin working on the graphic theme, and more generally on the
experience. Indeed, the choice of the Wheezy theme was kind of
but it was necessary due to freeze deadline and debian package

Well, let's begin to work then !

Some critics about the Wheezy theme was that "it was just a bunch of wallpapers and backgrounds". That was kind of right. So there I propose
totally new approach for the design and the user experience for Jessy.
Before describing the approach, I wish this work to be part of
[1], as I prefer collaboration than competition (competition that
for Wheezy).

Well, you all heard about the famous distribution called Archlinux.
long talks with users of the distributions, I discovered many reasons
people are attracted by this distribution. The two main reasons are the packages that are all up to date from upstreams (something that Debian shouldn't and won't compete) and the fact that's a bare and very light distribution out of the box. The latter is interesting, as many of them
wasn't aware that Debian can be installed with very few packages.
actually, a very light distribution. It's just that people are used to
download and install the default Gnome distribution.

On the other hand, Debian is not well-known for its simplicity.
favor Lubuntu and Xubuntu for new Linux users. So we can't set a new
Debian distribution that won't be perfect for newcomer, but will be a
and light start for a medium-experienced user, or for users that want
lightness over simplicity.

So I've selected few packages for a bare Debian installation, and I
configured them to obtain both a new design and a new experience.
- LXDE with Openbox/pcmanfm
- Slim
- Midori
- Xarchiver
- Wicd
- Sylpheed
- I intend to replace xscreensaver by slimlock [2]

There are two screenshots: Slim, and desktop. These are taken directly
the installation of the theme [3 - 4]
To install the theme:
- Setup a minimal (really minimal) Debian Jessy
- Log as root and install the "ca-certificates" package
- Grab the installation script:
- Make it executable (chmod +x install.sh)
- Launch it (./install.sh)
- Wait until reboot.
- I can't find how to change the default gtk theme. So change it from
"Clearlooks" (the default) to "Mist".
- Voilà !

Two things to notice:
- Slim and Pcmanfm can't scale the background to fit (like --bg-scale
option), So we will have to make many wallpapers at different
- The wallpaper has no license at all. I'm trying to contact the
author. But anyway, the wallpaper is just a part of the whole

I *will* make gnome/gdm/kdm/... themes. Like any other Debian theme, it
act on all required packages. But I want to uses Jessy as an
change the default Debian set of packages to make it lighter and more

The project if hosted on Github:
I may push it to the CollabArt Gitorious repository if asked.

Thank you !

Adrien Aubourg

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/CollabArt
[2] http://joelburget.com/slimlock/ (It is currently a part of the
[3] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/bjsh.png/
[4] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/89/k41x.png/

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