Re: infographic theme
Actually, this is an impressive work.
The way how he created the characters and typography.
To work on the desktop I think we need to simplify a little more. But
it is very fun to use on shirts and other graphic material.
2012/4/28 Eshat Cakar <>:
> Hi,
> I was going to rework my roj theme proposal when the infographic theme by
> narcissus [1] caught my attention.
> I am surprised nobody mentioned this amazing piece of artwork on the desktop
> list, so I am going to do that.
> If you have not seen it already, head over to [1], and take an concentrated
> look at the guide image, which describes what amazing creative work went into
> the creation for the different symbols for all previous debian releases.
> While the current wallpapers are quiet ok, I think that especially the t-shirt
> designs are very well done. I at least got in "want"-mood.
> [1]
> Best regards
> --
> eshat cakar
> web: gpg-id: 799B 95D5
> Profissional de inovação
@valessiobrito / +55 (71) VALESSIO
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