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Hi collegues,

I just signed up because I read on the main Debian web page, that there
is a call for designs for Wheezy. I would love to add something to it.

I'm a fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe and in the quite
active fellowship group in Vienna/Austria/Europe.

Nearly all of you seem to agree on using icy blue colors for the new

Do you have a special reason for that or do you just happen to have the
same taste regarding colors? I.e. is this a mere coincidence?

Holger mentioned the new debconf-colors as starting point. I agree with
him, that it is remarkably well done and could lead to a very nice

Nevertheless I believe it's no big harm if we try different approaches
and try putting together a whole theme as a team if we end up with a
single layout we all would prefer...

I was surprised that last time (for Squeeze) there wheren't a lot of
submissions. (At least if the entries on: [1] are complete.) I was
expecting that very many people from all over the world would try very
hard to add something to the look and feel of something as great as

I'm not up to date regarding the technical details for Wheezy. Does
Debian stick to Gnome 2 for the next main release or isn't there any
decision yet?

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes


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