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Re: Serial Connection


maybe a hardware issue? try with different cabling and stuff like that.

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 3:42 AM, jin&hitman&Barracuda <jinhitman@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes I did. May be thousand times...

2011/1/13 Luis Mondesi <lemsx1@gmail.com>

did you reboot the router? try that

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 4:32 PM, jin&hitman&Barracuda <jinhitman@gmail.com> wrote:
Everything goes worse.
OpenBSD, RedHat and win32 are not work no longer.
What is the wrong with me?

2011/1/12 jin&hitman&Barracuda <jinhitman@gmail.com>
And there is no process about ttySx

2011/1/12 jin&hitman&Barracuda <jinhitman@gmail.com>

I know, how to kill process.
But i tried and it doesn't work. Everything is same.
i will try in init level 1. I'll back again. See you soon...

2011/1/12 Luis Mondesi <lemsx1@gmail.com>
It looks like you simply need to close the process that's using the serial port.

If you don't know how to do this, and this is a desktop, you can simply reboot it.

On Jan 12, 2011, at 1:36 PM, jin&hitman&Barracuda wrote:

Thanks for answer.
Here is the command results

fatality@squeeze:~$ dmesg | grep ttyS
[    0.480071] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
[    0.480323] 00:05: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A

sudo su
root@squeeze:/home/fatality# cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600
cu: open (/dev/ttyS0): Permission denied
cu: /dev/ttyS0: Line in use

root@squeeze:/home/fatality# cu -l /dev/ttyS1 -s 9600
cu: open (/dev/ttyS1): Permission denied
cu: /dev/ttyS1: Line in use

root@squeeze:/home/fatality# id fatality
uid=1000(fatality) gid=1000(fatality) groups=1000(fatality),4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),105(fuse),107(powerdev),110(netdev),116(lpadmin),117(vboxusers),123(scanner)

Same command results with non-root user
fatality@squeeze:~$ cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600 -d
cu: open (/dev/ttyS0): Permission denied
cu: /dev/ttyS0: Line in use

Some extra info:
root@squeeze:/home/fatality# cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
serinfo:1.0 driver revision:
0: uart:16550A port:000003F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0
1: uart:unknown port:000002F8 irq:3
2: uart:unknown port:000003E8 irq:4
3: uart:unknown port:000002E8 irq:3

Thanks again

2011/1/12 Luis Mondesi <lemsx1@gmail.com>
1. are you a member of the group that owns your serial port (/dev/ttyS0 or ttyS1?)
2. what if you use "cu" like: cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600
3. what did your kernel think is the ttyS* port? (grep ttyS /var/log/dmesg)

It's possible that your udev rules are messed up somehow and you don't have the right special files. Verify everything first.

On Jan 12, 2011, at 2:56 AM, jin&hitman&Barracuda wrote:

Hi .

I was working on my Cisco Router with serial port for configure the IOS. I can see the terminal results on the screen but i can not send any signal or character with keyboard on Minicom 2.4.
I'm still using the same cable on other os (RedHat, OpenBSD, win...) and it is working. I sent some order, character and signal same cable.  There is a status bar on the minicom and allways writing "Offline" marked with red color.
After some hours, i changed my mind, now  i'm using cutecom. But it doesn't work. every thing still same it was. 

Please, Can anyone tell me what is problem/s?
I'm using Squueze. Have nice day.
Thanks, Fatih

From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

Luis Mondesi

>From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

Luis Mondesi

From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

----- START ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------
Gur Hohagh [Yvahk] qvfgevohgvba oevatf gur fcvevg bs Hohagh gb gur fbsgjner jbeyq.
----- END ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------

From HemiB A R R A C U D A !

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

----- START ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------
Gur Hohagh [Yvahk] qvfgevohgvba oevatf gur fcvevg bs Hohagh gb gur fbsgjner jbeyq.
----- END ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------

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