Re: desktop-base status (Was: gdm theme changes!)
On Wed, Nov 08, 2006, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> To recall. Problem with /etc/xdg Xfce config is that derivative wich
> would want to override those settings will have to overwrite those
> files, which is not a really good idea.
> Maybe those file could be generated at install time or something, I
> don't really know.
ISTR I suggested you take a look at update-gconf-defaults, which does
precisely this: merge defaults provided by individual packages into a
defaults GConf source which is at the right place in the default GConf
path (/etc/gconf/2/path).
To adhere to the FHS, the defaults are below /usr/share/gconf/defaults,
and the db under /var/lib/gconf.
Loïc Minier <>
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