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Re: YaST2 sourcecode downloadable from alioth


As I had some free days this week I could start compiling the source in
Debian testing. It was really entertaining ;-) Well, I'm writting a 
document explaining the process, which is everything but easy. Actually
I haven't been able to compile it all yet because it depends on rpm 4.1
and in Debian we have 4.0. They use some functions which are only in
the 4.1 version. Right now I'm compiling the rpm 4.1. I won't have much
time but at least I know what to do now.

IMO getting rid of the rpm dependency will be the most difficult work,
at the same time

For working with dpkg in source code we can either use dpkg harcoded or
use the ruby dpkg libraries (libdpkg-ruby1.8). Everything done with rpm
should be possible be done with dpkg.

I'll let you know my progress.



El mar, 07-12-2004 a las 20:00 +0100, Mario Fux escribió:
> Morning
> The YaST2 sourcecode (undebianized) is now downloadable from the anonymous ftp 
> space on our alioth project page:
> ftp://yast4debian.alioth.debian.org/pub/yast4debian/
> griits
> Mario
Ramon Acedo <ramon@linux-labs.net>

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