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Re: Debian derivatives census: GauSSIan: welcome!

Thanks for all this information.

I was in Marseille's mini-debconf last May and quickly presented kt-update (and GauSSIan and SuperSonic Imagine) during a lighting talk.

Following your comments, I updated  https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/GauSSIan

Le ven. 19 juil. 2019 à 08:02, Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> a écrit :
Hi Jean-Jacques Brucker,

I would like to welcome yourself and GauSSIan to the Debian derivatives
census! Would you like to take this opportunity to introduce yourself
and GauSSIan to us all?


It would be great if you could join our mailing list and IRC channel:


I would encourage you to look at Debian's guidelines for derivatives:


You may want to look at our census QA page, some of the mails from
there may apply to GauSSIan.


You don't appear to be subscribed to the GauSSIan census page,
I've made a few changes to the GauSSIan census page:


The page says that GauSSIan modifies Debian binary packages. It is
quite rare that distributions modify Debian binary packages instead of
modifying source packages and rebuilding them. Does GauSSIan actually
do this? If so could you describe what kind of modifications you are
making? If not I guess the page needs to be fixed.

The page says that GauSSIan uses a variety of desktop interfaces, I
would have thought that a consistent user interface would be a better
option on ultrasound machines and I assume that item needs fixing on
the page to list the right user interface.

I note that GauSSIan is based on Debian stable. The Debian community
recently released Debian buster as the latest stable version. I would
encourage you to review it and prepare your plans for updating to
buster. The freeze for the next Debian release will occur in
approximately two years.


A great way to help ensure that the next Debian release is working well
is to install and run the how-can-i-help tool and try to work on any
issues that come up.


The GauSSIan blog doesn't appear to have an RSS feed, which would be
syndicated on Planet Debian derivatives and would help the Debian
community find out the things that are happening in GauSSIan.


Since GauSSIan is based in France you might be interested in joining
the Debian France association.


This year the annual Debian conference is in Curitiba, Brasil.
Unfortunately it is *very* close to the start of DebConf19 but it would
be great if developers from GauSSIan could attend DebConf. If this
isn't possible, next year DebConf will be in Haifa, Israel. Since
GauSSIan is a fairly unique use of Debian, I think a presentation
about GauSSIan could be potentially interesting for other attendees.


I would encourage SuperSonic Imagine (the GauSSIan corporate sponsor)
to contribute financially to ensure the continued survival of Debian
and the success of the annual Debian conference.


I would encourage any attendees to volunteer to ensure the continued
the success of the annual Debian conference, here are some examples of
things that need helpers.


Since GauSSIan is used on medical devices, you might be interested in
the Debian Medical and Science subprojects.


I note that GauSSIan uses gitlab, reprepro, debian-installer,
debootstrap, etc I would encourage you to provide any feedback you have
or and fixes you have written to the teams for these tools.

I note that SuperSonic Imagine is hiring. If any of the positions are
about contributing to open source projects, you could advertise them on
FOSSjobs. If any of the positions are related using or contributing to
Debian, you could advertise them on debian-jobs. If any of them involve
the use of FLOSS, You might like to advertise them on the other open
source related job aggregators. In addition, one of the perks for
DebConf sponsors is a presence at the job fair.


You might want to consider adding DNSSEC to your domains, TLSA records
and SSL to some of your domains. SSL on the repository will help
GauSSIan users to obscure package names and version numbers from global
active adversaries. You might also want to add HSTS headers.


Please feel free to circulate this mail within the GauSSIan team.



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