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AlienVault OSSIM: invitation to rejoin the Debian derivatives census


I note that you are producing a software distribution based on Debian.


I would like to invite you to maintain information about AlienVault
OSSIM in the Debian derivatives census. You can do so by clicking here:


Using the above link, please click the login link, click the new
account link, register an account, click the edit link, add your
contact info to the "Debian derivatives census maintainer" field,
update any incorrect fields, bring your census page into sync with 
the template and fill in as many of the fields as you have data for.


The Debian derivatives census is attempting to gather detailed information
about Debian derivatives for integration of that information into Debian
infrastructure and for the development of relationships between Debian
and our derivatives. In addition, we will be doing some QA on the data
that you provide. You can read more about our integration and QA at the
following links:


Please direct any questions to the derivatives mailing list or IRC
channel via the following links:

mailing list: https://lists.debian.org/debian-derivatives
IRC: ircs://irc.oftc.net/debian-derivatives
IRC via web chat: https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=debian-derivatives

We welcome and encourage you to join both of these, and we hope you will
choose to participate in our census.

Warm regards,
Paul Wise


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