Re: future of Debian's derivatives efforts?
El 22/07/18 a las 10:18, Paul Wise escribió:
> Hi all,
> Recently we had a discussion on debian-project about the value and
> future of Debian's derivatives efforts.
> (...)
> Any other thoughts about Debian & derivatives?
What about having an equivalent to launchpad package repositories but
only for derivatives.
These repo packages can be automatically checked against strict Debian
policies (on how to write a good package).
You can have your derivative packages in this repo even if Debian
policies are not met (I mean, if DFSG is not met, probably does not need
to be there). Even if lintian gives a lot of warnings but it builds you
can have them there.
Why? Because we don't want to avoid beginners but to encourage them.
This is not official Debian because we don't want people to think that
Debian supports any of these derivatives hence we use the domain.
However if some of the packages are checked as '100% PERFECT' by the bot
then it's easier for a DD to sponsor the new maintainer / new package
because its packages have some sort of seal of being good enough.
Maybe using Open Build Service for the server side.
Well, this is a quick thought.
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