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RE: Build infrastructure.

Do you mean updating the packages files for download-on-demand repositories? We do have a script that does this, but generally we don't need to use it. Since we are based on stable releases there is not much churn in the upstream repository. And after the system is fully rebuilt, we are building against our own packages from then on.

Coincidentally I just saw today that the newest version of OBS has better support for tracking moving repositories (http://lwn.net/Articles/690076/). I do not know whether this works for Debian repositories though.

From: Lorenzo Faletra [eclipse@frozenbox.org]
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 1:49 AM
To: John Vert
Cc: peter green; debian-derivatives@
Subject: RE: Build infrastructure.

Hi john, we tried OBS but we faced some problems with it because even if it's easy to use their debian 8 template from the central OBS instance maintained by opensuse, it is pretty hard to configure a custom build environment that uses our own packages archive, and even by importing the whole mirror as suggested by their documentation, the OBS environment gives nothing to keep it up to date.


Do you have any suggestions on that?



Sat Jun 04 2016 20:08:19 EDT from "John Vert" <johnv@valvesoftware.com> Subject: RE: Build infrastructure.

SteamOS rebuilds all the Debian packages. We use OBS https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Build_Service. Although the initial setup is a bit complex, once it is up and running everything is pretty painless..




From: peter green
Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 8:37 PM
To: debian-derivatives@lists.debian.org
Subject: Build infrastructure.


Wondering what the state of build infrastructure in different derivative is.

What derivatives do large scale rebuilding of packages from Debian. I'm
aware of two, Raspbian (aka me) and Ubuntu. Theres also "reproducable
builds" and "debian ports" but i'm not sure if those count as
derivatives or not. Are there any others.

Do derivatives that don't do large scale rebuilding of packages from
Debian tend to have build-infrastructure or do they just build packages

What do people use to run build-infrastructure (if you have it)?

Lorenzo "Palinuro" Faletra (EclipseSpark)

Frozenbox Network
Parrot Security


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