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Re: Sysgobex

On 04-05-2013 at 00:47 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> I hope the install doesn't have ssh private keys in it, those should
> be unique on a per-machine basis. Same for various other files like
> the popcon configuration, /etc/machine-id, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id,
> /etc/hostname etc.

Just before the master image is cloned, some cleanup and preparation is
done. This includes the installation of an init script that among other
things calls ssh-keygen to regenerate ssh keys during the first boot.

Another script asks operators for some configuration settings (hostname,
network configuration…) and sets them.

We had not considered generating a machine-id, thanks for the
suggestion, although the final version (the one based on Debian
Wheezy/Linex 2013) will not be cloned, but installed.

popcon is not used in this first version and inclusion in the final
version is to be decided.

> Will LinGobEx or SESLinex be joining the Debian derivatives census?

SESLinex is already included in the derivatives census under the Linex
umbrella. I guess linGobEx will also be listed that way.

> Will LinGobEx or SESLinex have public apt archives?

I can't tell about SESLinex because it is a separate project, but for
linGobEx I guess it will probably not have a public archive at least in
the short term, because apart from some metapackages, almost all other
non-Debian packages fall into any of these categories:

- Configuration packages that have no sense outside our organization.
- Branding packages.
- Non free and/or not redistributable software (ie. third party software
which is still used here).

The rest of them (the huge majority) will be vanilla Debian Wheezy

In LinexSP (the migration project/distribution that preceded linGobEx),
which did have some custom developments, there were some efforts for
separating the components that could be published from those that
couldn't but due to lack of resources it was mostly a personal effort
from some of us and did not finally materialize.

Best regards,

Alberto Caso <alberto.caso@gobex.es>

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