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Re: Debian derivatives census: welcome SprezzOS

Nick Black left as an exercise for the reader:
> > It would be great if you could fill out some more of the page, for
> > example it appears that you have a blog that could be listed.

I've added a link to the company blog; there is not yet any SprezzOS blog.
I notice that autodiscovered blog entries are posted to Planet Debian's
derivatives feed (http://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/CensusQA, "Blogs"):
does this apply to all blog-related entries in the template, or only certain

I've removed the example.org entry left in the "Bugs Forwarded to Debian"
section. How does this work? Ought I claim previous bugs I've filed in
DBTS? Do I tag them, or is there some bug-feeding protocol?

I've added APT repository entries, with a few packages of my own code. Both
source and amd64 ought work and be properly signed with the Sprezzatech key.
Said key can be found at http://www.sprezzatech.com/apt/sprezzos.key. I have
enabled Indexes for the apt repository's toplevel and subdirectories, as
recommended in the HOWTO.

I've listed myself as a Developer, and provided my email address.

I've provided a link to my bugtracker at http://bugs.qemfd.net. This will
likely change soon; I'll update the Census entry.

We look forward to working with the Derivatives Census, and providing all
the assistance we can to Mother Debian.

--nick black, president and principal scientist, sprezzatech

                                    nick black <nickblack@linux.com>
                 http://www.sprezzatech.com -- unix and hpc consulting
  to make an apple pie from scratch, you need first invent a universe.

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