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Re: Introducing DoudouLinux

I've tried Doudou Linux, and I like what you've done.  It's
lightweight, it's user-friendly, and it has the same large repository
as Debian.  I see it as a lighter and faster alternative to the
heavier Ubuntu-based Qimo Linux.

Pleased to read this! :)

I see that Doudou Linux uses the LXDE desktop and proves that
user-friendliness doesn't require the bloat of GNOME or KDE.  I think
lightweight Linux distros have an UNPRECEDENTED opportunity for these

Alternatively, many computer market analysts say that smartphones will reduce the use of computers at home, which means children will have old or not so old computers to play with. We are also willing to put it on low-cost computers based on ARM because children toys are moving to disguised computers more than ever.


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