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Please explain Acronyms on first usage


 As this list is for getting people from different distributions glued
together and those distributions do have different acronyms that are
obvious for the people working on them at first glance though are not
clearly immediately recognizable for others, please try to explain
acronyms you use on first usage.

 I know that we all use acronyms on a daily basis forgetting that it
might come across intimidating to others who don't dare to ask. This
especially is true for people being around for a very long time already
who forget that it might not be as obvious to others as it is to them.

 For me, trying to dig into Ubuntu for not so long now, I haven't
stumbled upon the terms NBS and DPMT yet which were used in the
introduction thread; but I guess there might be some acronyms used by
Debian people too that aren't clear for Ubuntu (and other) people. For
what I know they might even be common or root in some areas inside
Debian but I haven't stumbled upon them yet.

 I guess we should start with documenting some of the more regularly
used ones, potential on the wiki too?

 DD .... Debian Developer (full upload rights, vote rights)
 DM .... Debian Maintainer (limited upload rights)
 MOTU .. Member Of The Universe (DD equivalent in Ubuntu?)

"Lediglich 11 Prozent der Arbeitgeber sind der Meinung, dass jeder
Mensch auch ein Privatleben haben sollte."
        -- http://www.karriere.at/artikel/884/

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