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Re: finding out which version of a package a bug affects

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:08:32AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> > ok, perhaps i am missing something then. how do i query the bts to find
> > out if package A in version V is affected by bug B?
> get_status([bug=>nnn,version=>'yyy']); or similar.

ok, i went dowm that route a bit, and i can either get the versions of a
package in the distributions using get_versions(), and then do a
get_status() based on these versions, or do a get_status() with
dist=>'unstable' etc, which seems to do the same thing (correct?).

in both cases i get the "pending" tag to be set to "absent", "pending"
or "done", with "pending" meaning the bug is present in that
version/distribution (correct?).

that is perfect for me, thanks a lot! it does seem a bit
counter-intuitive though ("pending"?), so i wanted to confirm this is
indeed the right way and not just some spurious/buggy effect i am
builing on...

thanks  robert

Robert Lemmen                               http://www.semistable.com 

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