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Bug#565981: debbugs: Debbugs::MIME::parse doesn't handle PGP Signed messages with \r correctly

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Mike Hommey wrote:
> > #532828 is an example of a bug with a PGP signed report message with
> > \r. Debbugs::MIME::parse doesn't handle this case correctly, leading
> > to the returned message being empty after it strips off
> > RFC2440-style PGP clearsigning.
> > 
> >      # Strip off RFC2440-style PGP clearsigning.
> >      if (@bodylines and $bodylines[0] =~ /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED/) {
> > -	shift @bodylines while @bodylines and length $bodylines[0];
> > +	shift @bodylines while @bodylines and $bodylines[0] =~ /\S/;
> This is too broad. It should be:
>               and length $bodylines[0] and $bodylines[0] ne qq(\r);
> >  	shift @bodylines while @bodylines and $bodylines[0] !~ /\S/;
> >  	for my $findsig (0 .. $#bodylines) {
> >  	    if ($bodylines[$findsig] =~ /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE/) {

Thanks for the report and patch! I'll try to get it fixed in my tree
and the BTS shortly.

Don Armstrong

After the first battle of Sto Lat, I formulated a policy which has
stood me in good stead in other battles. It is this: if an enemy has
an impregnable stronghold, see he stays there.
 -- Terry Pratchett _Jingo_ p265

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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