debian-debbugs Feb 2007 by subject
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Bug#131881: chairman Stacey Snider proceed
Bug#153536: is it you? jaleesa here
Bug#256816: marked as done ( "Last modified:" on bug pages is wrong)
Bug#28026: marked as done (dealing differently with bugs based on the architecture)
Bug#403311: marked as done (debbugs: soap.cgi sends HTTP 500 server error when given a wrong Content-Type in request)
Bug#412815: mailto link for single messages
Bug#67910: marked as done ([bugreport.cgi,pkgreport.cgi] add http timestamp information)
Gvorgeous Lbatinas Sjucking MONSTERCBOCK & Fxacialized FjFM
ID: 41705
No marshland
Processed: Re: Bug#410073: Please support machine readable output
Processed: reassign 412450 to debbugs, merging 397344 412450
Processed: reassign 412815 to debbugs
Processed: use my DD address
The last update was on 06:52 GMT Fri May 17. There are 14 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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