also sprach Martin Samuelsson <> [2005.04.19.1806 +0200]: > In #34071 something about a patch is mentioned and also something about > a test server Well, I set up that server, but have not gone anywhere since then. Right now, the server accepts mails to /^[0-9]{,6}@bug-subscriptions\.debian\.net$/ but discards them. I'd be happy to forward them elsewhere or do whatever you want with it. My main show stopper was (lack of time but also) the fact that mailman, which is my list manager, is not suited to handle thousands of mailing lists, and my initial idea was to have each bug get a mailing list. A light-weight or simple MLM might be able to do this. However, I have also been convinced that this is much better done in debbugs than with an external system. Anyway, I have a functioning mail architecture, so if that can be of help, I'll gladly lend a hand. > Trying to http against it says: (The post was old) > > Forbidden > You don't have permission to access / on this server. It was only intended to be an SMTP server at first. BTW: you did not CC parties, but BCC them. Feel free to forward this message. -- .''`. martin f. krafft <> : :' : proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author `. `'` `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system Invalid/expired PGP subkeys? Use as keyserver! last year, out in california, at a pc users group, there was a demo of smart speech recognition software. before the demonstrator could begin his demo, a voice called out from the audience: "format c, return. yes, return." a short demo it was.
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