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Re: [dak/master] config -> database

Il giorno sab, 14/03/2009 alle 11.38 +0000, Joerg Jaspert ha scritto:
> +            c.execute(query, [commentsdir, suite])


looking at various commits I found some usage of the database adapter
that are not in line with Python DBAPI, like using lists instead of
tuples above. It is ok if while looking at the code to familiarize
myself with dak I send "cosmetical" patches to fix such usage?

Also, I have some experience into pg->psycopg2 porting so it is ok to
send patches to move some of the code still using the former to the

If there is some Grand Plan about the database part of dak (like
abstracting it from adapter and so on) just let me know so I don't
duplicate any work.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
 Degli altri, della gente senza domande, si puo' fare a meno.
                                                       -- macchinavapore

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