Re: Debtags and Blends tasks pages
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:17:33 +0000
Enrico Zini <> wrote:
> I'm not sure you want to completely trust debtags for that, at least not
> until something changes in the workflow of tags: at least at the moment
> the QA process for tags is not strict enough to prevent small flaws to
> creep even in the reviewed tag set. In the future I would like to be
> able to "assign" tags to people or teams, so that either they are the
> only ones that can change them, or so that they will qa on their tags
> before they are accepted, or a mix of this. At that point, provided
> your tags are assigned to a team, you should be able to trust debtags
> for your task.
> Also, it may be that you don't need all the packages with a given tag:
> for example, you may have two packages doing the same thing, but your
> Blend may want one and not the other.
My conception of how Debian Jr. might work is to construct a list of
core Debian Jr. things not based on tags (a simple list, not broken
into categories) and then layer tags on top of that to bring about two
- To componentize Debian Jr. so that people can pick and choose only
those parts of it that are relevant to them. It would augment our more
rigid, coarser categorization in our metapackages and may even be good
enough to either simplify it (reducing it to, say, three or four basic
groupings rather than the ~20 we have now).
- To expand on our core with some recommendations of software that Jr.
users might find interesting outside of the core. Strict control over
the workflow isn't needed, and indeed isn't even desirable to
accomplish this. It would allow us to update our recommendations after
the release has gone out without having to upload new metapackages and
may be a more democratic process for making such recommendations.
,-. nSLUG
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