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Re: dopewars do we need such a game in debian distribution?

On Thu, 28 Feb 2008, Matthew K Poer wrote:
> That said, I can't say I have much respect for those who wrote,
> ported, package, or play this game. It's just dumb.

Yeay. Even more people who don't have much respect for me!

Seriously, has anyone expressing outrage about this game actually
played it? It's one of those silly games that you played on a
calculator in junior high or high school because it could be written
in under a thousand lines of code. I mean, nethack is *way* more
violent and traumatizing.

Don Armstrong

Quite the contrary; they *love* collateral damage. If they can make
you miserable enough, maybe you'll stop using email entirely. Once
enough people do that, then there'll be no legitimate reason left for
anyone to run an SMTP server, and the spam problem will be solved.
 -- Craig Dickson in <20020909231134.GA18917@linux700.localnet>

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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