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Re: Debian-based gadget: Nokia 770

Em Qua, 2005-05-25 às 23:14 +0200, martin f krafft escreveu:
> also sprach Martin Dickopp <martin@zero-based.org> [2005.05.25.2300 +0200]:
> > > Nokia *does* co-sponsor debconf5.
> > Sorry, it hadn't occured to me that it might be inappropriate to
> > criticise Nokia on this list.  I'll shut up now.
> Well, their patent stance and sponsoring are unrelated, so I guess
> all I am asking is that things shouldn't be black and white. If
> Nokia supports software patents, that's a big minus from our point
> of view. But given that they sponsor debconf5, they are still
> pro-OpenSource, it seems.

Or... they have a deliberated policy of having a base of patents, then
investing on implementations of that patents inside the free software
community and ask for them later (which has been argued in the m$ c#

The commitment of not applying their patents on the linux kernel (and
only on that distributed by the kernel.org site) or sponsoring free
software events don't make them "good guys". There are no guarantees
that they won't change their mind.

And c'mon... They're saying that they will enforce their patents on
hurd??? (or any other free(or not) kernel)??? They would be "good guys"
if they say "we will not enforce any of our patents to anyone... hmmm...
i mean... why do we need patents??".


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