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Re: debian-trivia


At work, I had installed several 486 as gateway (three and there 3 others
servers on potato an 1 old 386 with 8 cdrom's on slink).

> > Here's some suggestions:

Think there're some better cut to do ... perhaps don't install locale or
better, dictionnaries ... on ?86 install a woody take some hours to throw
away stupid packets. And what about perl and python, huge and slow for small

I love debian on pentium (II?) and greater processors but it's a piece of
shit for small hardware, in the beginning of linux with 100Mo you had X and
gcc a,d others nice stuff. Now you have nude woody. What about a small
distrib with all for tiny computers ?

Volunteers ? I'm ready.

David Dumortier

PS : sorry for bad english, haven't upgrade my personnal locales :-)

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