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Re: Why would I want an LFS system?

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Mikael Schonenberg wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Inglima Modica Davide Silvio wrote:

>>> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/intro.shtml

>> If we want to do something serious about that we should politely point out
>> that:

>> [snip: some good points about debian]

> I honestly thing you guys are a bit too touchy. It's not like that LFS
> blurb is an attack on our One True Distro (TM) *cough*, but rather a few
> points about why it might be attractive to some to run LFS. Personally,
> I have much more confidence in the Debian QA and Security folx than I
> have in my own skills, but I'm still considering LFS (for educational
> purposes mainly). They're not saying Debian is bad (unless you
> explicitly choose to interpret it that way) - they're just saying it's
> not the only way. Choice, remember? :-)

Well, I did not mean to sound touchy! ^_^;

The only thing is that is in some steps the LFS introduction _sounds_ like
advocacy (maybe wasn't the intention of their authors) because they talk
about Debian rather out-of context. I am also quite sure that using debian
is it true that maybe it's rather difficult to fit an apache server in 8
megabytes... but it is also true that a debian apache-only installation
will give a sysadmin:

1) onsite manuals
2) the ability to update the packages via a cron-job in background, and
   being notified via e-mail of the outcome (cron, mailx and exim are in
   base system, no?)

It is all matter of wanting these features on or off, not going around
saying "mine is shorter than yours" :DDDDDDDD

I think I will write them an e-mail suggest them to give a different
layout to their intro:

 + + +

- why one would like to begin using LFS
  - learn how really a linux system work
  - achieve usefulness without sacrificing resources (which is indeed a
    good point)

- why one could like to continue using LFS
  - hobby
  - work: (using an old or exotic machine as a firewall or a terminal)
  - work: (developing new linux systems)

- what are the responsibilities that come with it
  - you have to be more security wise than most distros :)
  - you have to be more bug wise than most distros :)

 + + +

I think that everyone would agree and bless LFS people (well, "bless"
maybe is an exageration) if Debian was named as an exampe in this context.
Debian is a choice, LFS is another, both are Free Systems (Copyleft), so
we can be friend. ^_^

                     Davide "Gatto Feroce" Inglima
  " Paradosso Invernale: perche' d'inverno se apri la <<window>> entrano "
        " i <<pinguini>>? " citando Luigi Catuogno a.k.a Kenshy

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