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Re: [curiosa] Re: Debian Centre of Mass

Well, really (pi)i is still a complex number:

0 + (pi)i

Just a zero real component.

The coefficients of the complex number can be from any number set, really.
Still complex.

Hrm, I've just been told that an imaginary number is a complex number with
no real component.

jas@eckard.com writes:

> > Irrational numbers aren't imaginary, complex numbers are. :)
> You mean, "Irrational numbers aren't _necessarily_ imaginary, ..."?  I
> mean, after all, you _could_ have a non-complex irrational imaginary
> number, say, (pi)i, right?
> --Jas, stoking a smoldering flame
> --  
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Ryan Golbeck <rmgolbeck@uwaterloo.ca>
Computer Science
University Of Waterloo

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