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Re: Lifting the moratorium

Hi Helmut,

* Helmut Grohne <helmut@subdivi.de> [2023-08-26 11:39]:
Who is this going to be? Do you, Helmut, feel comfortable as driver?

Yes, though I'm not opposed to sharing the load.


Do you prefer if the Release Team takes over with you in an advisory
role? If you continue as main driver, should the DPL formally
delegate that role somehow?

On a micro level, the Release Team will be involved. The plan is for me
to file RC bugs. There will be disagreement about such bugs and the
Release Team is the arbiter of severities and testing migration here.


I'm surprised. We did have some contentious questions such as whether
changing dpkg would be part of the solution and how the bootstrap
protocol should look like. These seem settled now. Beyond these, the
feedback mostly was that we should simply get it done. We will still see
individual disagreements on particular packages, but those cannot be
settled by some form of delegation as in effect they touch the package
ownership and overriding that currently requires CTTE involvement.

I'd rather see us not using the constitution hammer just because we see
a nail and hope that I'm right about the expected cooperation.

Maybe DPL delegation invokes the wrong kind of image here. I'm not
asking for some dictator who pushes the transition through no matter
what. What I do like to see is transparent commmunication about the
process; we should be upfront about the fact that you drive this
transition and not just kind of let it happen (which is what it has
felt like to me at times). It does not even have to be much, maybe a
short paragraph such as

"Please monitor the document at <URL> for the current transition
status. Helmut has graciously agreed to coordinate the transition.
Please reach out to him if you want to help with the effort, or if
you have affected packages and are unsure how you should proceed."

in the CTTE announcement is sufficient. All the usual channels for
dispute resolution remain available, but everyone is brought to the
same page, even if they missed (or ignored) the d-devel discussion
up this point.
Also, any developer who just wants to "get it done" but does not
have the time or energy to fully grok DEP-17 has the option to defer
to you / the developers coordinating the transition, similar to what
has happened with the debhelper NMU.


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