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Resignation from the Debian Technical Committee Effective Immediately

When I joined the technical committee, I asked the TC to carefully
consider whether my hopes were a good fit for the TC.  I was nervous
because I had a very clear vision, and I wanted to give people an
opportunity to decide if they wanted a different direction.  In part, I
said [1]:

>I'd like to see people come to the TC earlier in the process.  I hope
>that asking for help, especially from the TC will be viewed as a way
>to improve communication not as an escalation in an already poisoned
>process.  I hope that we'll work with people to see other sides of an
>issue and to help them make decisions more than we work as an appeal
>board.  Maintaining the power to resolve decisions and when necessary
>to rearrange who is maintaining a package is an important part of the
>TC.  I would like to see us use that power as a way to promote

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2015/03/msg00008.html

At that time the TC decided that I was a good fit and recommended my
appointment to the DPL.

More recently, I raised significant concerns [2] with the TC process.
Rather than promoting compassion and a better community, I think our
work is disrupting the Debian community.  I wrote a summary of the
subsequent discussion yesterday [3].

[2] https://hartmans.livejournal.com/97174.html
[3] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/tsld14smrob.fsf@suchdamage.org

It became clear during that discussion that while my goals have
remained the same, they are not in alignment with the job the TC
wishes to do nor the job that the project sees the TC doing.

1) We got significant feedback that bringing issues to the TC too
early is harmful.  I don't think that we can build compassion if we
start talking to people when they've already reached the point of last
resort.  Yet it's clear that the TC and the project want us to do
that.  I had hoped that we could work without exercising our
constitutional powers earlier in the process, but there does not
appear to be support for that.

2) We got significant feedback including feedback from within the TC
that many would prefer to abandon their packages rather than deal with
the TC.  The maintainers see the process as something that at best
results in no change rather than a collaborative exercise where all
involved can walk away having learned something.

3) I don't think the TC has the energy for the work I wish we could

I think the discussion was very constructive.  I think the TC got a
lot of valuable feedback.  I think the TC fills an important role even
if it focuses on getting involved as a last resort: sometimes not
deciding is the most painful thing we can do.  I have every confidence
that the TC will be able to move forward and build a better process in
alignment with its goals and those of the project.

I'm proud to have had an opportunity to explore my vision on the
committee.  I am of course disappointed that my goals did not end up
being shared.  It's time to get out of the way, so effective
immediately, I resign from the Debian Technical committee.

Serving on the Debian Technical Committee was something I hoped to do
some day.  I'm honored that I got an opportunity to work with you all.
It was a real pleasure to work with such a great group of people.
I've learned a lot both technically and emotionally from this

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the email thread, but
particularly, Russ Allbery, Ian Jackson, Chris Lamb, and Scott
Kitterman. You helped  me understand the complex situation that is the
TC and contributed  valuable thoughts on your vision of the process.
I'd like to thank Enrico Zini for reminding us all that everything we
do for Debian is as a volunteer.  Debian is better when we step away
From things that are no longer good for us.

I look forward to finding ways that I can bring the compassion and
community I hoped to find in the TC to other areas of the project.

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