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Re: [CTTE #746578] libpam-systemd to switch alternate dependency ordering

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> writes:

    Charles> Le Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 11:58:41AM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum a
    Charles> écrit :
    >> Specifically, I would like to ask Debian Developers to contribute
    >> (positively) to TC discussions when relevant, in order to help
    >> the TC get a complete understanding of the issues, their
    >> consequences, and possible resolutions paths. I was disappointed
    >> to see that only a handful of DDs (outside of TC members) took
    >> part in the recent technical discussions. Every DD should really
    >> feel welcomed to act like a (non-voting) TC member.
    >> I would also like to ask the TC to provide a bit more time for
    >> public discussions (during the technical discussions, and on
    >> draft CfV), as many project members felt that some recent votes
    >> were a bit rushed, and did not allow enough time for public
    >> review.

    Charles> Hi Lucas and TC,

    Charles> in the case of issue #741573 ("On menu systems") that I
    Charles> raised in April, I would like to point out that the CTTE's
    Charles> behaviour makes me feel that my input was unwelcome.

    Charles> Here is what I asked:

    Charles> "I am asking you to overrule Bill [who single-handedly
    Charles> reverted a change that had been discussed, negociated,
    Charles> seconded and accepted] and let me or the Policy Editors
    Charles> upload an updated version of the Policy containing our
    Charles> changes."

    Charles> Unfortunately, the TC turned my request into a new project
    Charles> of writing a policy on menu systems by themselves
    Charles> (http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/debian-ctte.git/tree/741573_menu_systems),
    Charles> and as the result of their lack of time, have not delivered
    Charles> something for the last six months.

    Charles> I asked the TC in June to refocus on the core issue (not
    Charles> tolerating Bill's commit revesal), but there was no answer
    Charles> to my message, and work on writing a new menu policy
    Charles> continued (sluggishly) without asking input to the main
    Charles> people that would be affected by the decision, which I find
    Charles> quite illustrative of the TC's tendency of trying to steer
    Charles> Debian's development.

I too was very disturbed by this.
I tried to raise the issue with the TC, pointed out that they were not
considering the question asked of them, and received only a response
from Ian.
He told me that judging whether there had been a consensus of the
debian-policy process was not appropriate for the TC to do and that they
would just decide the policy.
I was very uncomfortable with this and was disappointed that no other TC
members jumped into the discussion.

I would be very disappointed if Ian's position on this matter
represented the view of the entire committee.
If the TC cannot (especially for constitutional reasons) judge whether
another process has already succeeded, we have some fixing to do.

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