Bug#727708: init system coupling etc.
Uwe Storbeck <uwe@ibr.ch> writes:
> On Feb 12, Russ Allbery wrote:
>> Packages should normally support the default Linux init system.
> [..]
>> Package maintainers are strongly encouraged to merge any contributions
>> for support of init systems other than the Linux default, and to add
>> that support themselves if they're willing and capable of doing so.
> Assumed a package has (only) start scripts for sysvinit. This satisfies
> "Packages should normally support the default Linux init system" (using
> sysvinit compatibility mode). Someone provides patches to add native
> support for upstart and systemd, maybe to use advanced features like
> socket activation. Following the above proposal the package maintainer
> is encouraged to apply the patch for upstart (as an init system "other
> than the Linux default"), but not the patch for systemd.
> Wouldn't it be better to change that to something like "for support of
> any init system"?
Yes, that's much better. Thanks!
Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>
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