Bug#727708: init system coupling etc.
On Feb 12, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Packages should normally support the default Linux init system.
> Package maintainers are strongly encouraged to merge any contributions
> for support of init systems other than the Linux default, and to add
> that support themselves if they're willing and capable of doing so.
Assumed a package has (only) start scripts for sysvinit. This
satisfies "Packages should normally support the default Linux
init system" (using sysvinit compatibility mode).
Someone provides patches to add native support for upstart and
systemd, maybe to use advanced features like socket activation.
Following the above proposal the package maintainer is encouraged
to apply the patch for upstart (as an init system "other than the
Linux default"), but not the patch for systemd.
Wouldn't it be better to change that to something like "for
support of any init system"?
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