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Bug#727708: Fsck SystemD and its developers and its users. GR to override this please.

>It is pretty ridiculous to me to consider the basic plumbing on the
>system as replaceable as the thing that decides where on the screen my
>shortcut to Google search for "lolcatz" goes.
>Perhaps that is just me though. ;)

See, systemd pushers are always trying to make their thing the only thing.

"We arre the space robots, we are here to protect you"
"I am the shover robot, I push bread down their throats"
"We are here to protect you"
"Do not trust the pusher robot, he is malfunctioning"
"Humans must be shoved, they must go down the stairs"
"Please go stand by the stairs so I can protect"
"I am better than the shover robot"

--Shover and Pusher Robot
::Wrong way to do things.

"Oh. My. Money"
'Don't you mean God?'
"You worship your thing, I'll worship mine"
--Seto Kaiba
:: Correct way to do things.

>Do we allow users to choose their FireWire stack, WiFi or Audio Driver
>stack in the kernel? There were several alternative implementations
>of these, yet we only provide one of each.


Adrian: Fuck you you cunt.
You scumbags are forcing this thing on all of us.
We're going to have to do something about that
if you do not back the fuck down.

Systemd people seem always to be fucking
totalitarian PIECES OF SHIT like you.
Fuck your SystemD, and FUCK
your "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" approach.

"Oh. My. Money"
'Don't you mean God?'
"You worship your thing, I'll worship mine"
--Seto Kaiba
:: Correct way to do things.

(Not forcing your fucking lennart pottering autistic fggt religion on us)

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