Bug#727708: Re: Re: Bug#727708: multiple init systems: We have to see it for what it is: Lennart/Linux OS. Yes it is.
Not wanting to have to learn the flavor of the month, then relearn the new flavor of the month after that, and relearn the next flavor of the month is nonsense, gotcha.
And anyone who disagrees strongly with being forced to use systemd is a troll. Yep.
Wanting some stability in things, and voicing this opinion is forbidden.
Showing displeasure at the attempt to coopt everything to use and then rely
on systemd... that's just crazy.
Notice how the SystemD supporters reacted to the idea of having choice of init system earlier:
a (very polite, as things must be) "no". When other packages come into debian, they
don't tend to remove other packages that do similar things. Not so with systemd.
SystemD is a SYSTEM. And we must all sign up for it. Out with the old, in with the new, so
on and so on.
Lennart Pottering is to Linux what Bill Gates was to the use of academic computer systems in the 80s.
>Dear BTS admins,
>this troll has been polluting the already very long bug lof of #727708,
>and has apparently no interest in stopping after Russ already told him
>to stop.
>Could you please consider blocking him from the BTS?
>.''`. Josselin Mouette
On Wed, 1/29/14, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu@debian.org> wrote:
Subject: Re: Bug#727708: Re: Re: Bug#727708: multiple init systems: We have to see it for what it is: Lennart/Linux OS. Yes it is.
To: "ChaosEsque Team" <chaosesqueteam@yahoo.com>, 727708@bugs.debian.org
Cc: oiaohm@gmail.com, owner@bugs.debian.org
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 12:41 AM
On 29/01/14 09:00, ChaosEsque Team
> Ah, you're a systemd acolyte. You smugly proclaim that
it is USELESS to resist!
> ::
>> Forking every package that depends on systemd is
> If you read what I wrote
Nobody read what you wrote because it's nonsense. Please
stop it now.
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