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Bug#727708: Re: Re: Bug#727708: multiple init systems: We have to see it for what it is: Lennart/Linux OS. Yes it is.

Ah, you're a systemd acolyte. You smugly proclaim that it is USELESS to resist!
>Forking every package that depends on systemd is pointless.

If you read what I wrote you would see that I said fork everything below/or above
(whatever "software stack" direction you believe in) the linux kernel,
and maintain them in a very stable form, applying security patches and bug fixes.
>Fork the kernel???  right we all know how successful this turns out
>for those making clones of Solaris.  Solaris clones have to go SMC
>they don't have a option of using a different init system.

Personally I do not care what you or Lennart are sick of (which includes
unix philosophy, as-well as any people who are learned in the unix 
way). I do not want to learn your new little computer religion (getting
bigger every day). There are social consequences to your hostile 
internal fork of the Gnu/Linux system. You and Lennart do not give a
damn about those consequences for other people.
>Secure software is a science.  I am sick of those who say Software is
>more an art.  Saying software is a art is a nice universal excuse not
>todo quality control.

Anyway, one way to have secure software is to freeze development 
at some mature version, and then do an audit and focus on fixing
all the little niggling bugs and failings. Not that you windows programmer
refugees would know anything about that. You're a flavor of the month
or half-decade kind of people. And you are attacking the linux system
from the inside. You like building on shifting sands, and you like it
even more to force us all to live on the beach with you.

If you want secure software, it's called the grsecurity patch and PAX, not systemd.

>Sysvinit came on Linux by being lazy.
It came on linux by doing one thing and doing it well: it starts various processes
the system administrator wants started, and then it gets out of the way.
Very nice and secure design paradigm: does few things, has few lines of code.

>The Linux world is horribly fragmented.
Good. It is called choice. Guess what: the hobbyists do not exist to promote or
expand that religion in your mind called "Linux" or "Desktop Linux" or "The Universal Faith".
You think if you could just FORCE the Linux world to standardize on YOUR 
software and YOUR interfaces then they would work more efficiently towards YOUR
goals (of supreme Desktop OS or whatever computer religion/heresy you're into.)

As an aside: you know once upon a time there was little fragmentation in the init system area.
It was pretty much a non issue and no app cared what init system you ran.
Lennart and friends changed all that.
YOU are creating the DIVISION here, and YOU have the GALL to put blaim elsewhere.
YOU (Lennart and co) are UPROOTING what we all know and love, and telling us
to basically go a FCK ourselves if we do not like it ("Progress" "Go and fork everything *SNCR*")

Fsck Lennart. Fsck every abomination he foists onto us with gusto.
"It's free, it's all free software, what's the problem" So is a bullet, but I don't want one!

No one needs to "step up to the plate": Our current systems work fine for us, we do 
not want to be forced (and yes making every project you and yours infiltrate depend
on systemd does equal force in the software world)

Watch Lennart be a do chbag to the good man who is trying to give a presentation;
even jumps up on stage at the end. You can feel the dejected feel the man has
as he rushes through his carefully prepared presentation because Lennart got 
a mic and took up much of the allotted time.


SystemD and the rest of Lennarts garbage (PulseAudio) is a hostile takeover
of what was once a nice unix like OS, by Lennart Pottering and his followers.

He loves the attention, we have to pay attention to every damn thing he does,
and learn HIS new way of doing things. He is a jackass, and a smug 
passive-aggressive totalitarian, as are many of his adoring followers.

>Software is closer to maths and science than art.   Yes there is a old
>believe that software is art but anyone holding that idea normally
>ends up making suspect software.

Yep, if we don't want systemd and pulseaudio so on and so forth,
not only are we suspect, but the software we write is suspect!

You Lennart guys always have some bullsht aside like this to
degenerate your detractors. There's always something wrong with
us: Just look at *this *bulleted *list *of *features. How could anyone
disagree with that, they must be insane!

In math and science there are often only a handful of ways to 
do a particular thing. In art and religion there are infinite possibilities
and choices: software is the same. Ofcourse all my software 
is suspect, as am I. Perhaps I'm a heretic and should be burned.

Go to tartarus, and bring Lennart and his religion with you.

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