Bug#727708: tech-ctte: Decide which init system to default to in Debian.
David Härdeman writes ("Bug#727708: tech-ctte: Decide which init system to default to in Debian."):
> I'm not a DD, just a random contributor, and I haven't been actively
> involved in the init system debate at all, nor do I have any stake in
> it, though I've followed it with some interest.
> Now that the question has been referred to the Technical Committee
> (which seems reasonable given the lack of progress in the discussion so
> far), it strikes me as somewhat odd that the issue of impartiality/bias
> hasn't been discussed in the committee to this point.
Several of the messages on debian-devel in the init system GR proposal
thread on -devel have discussed this. Please read that thread, which
has comments from a number of TC members on this question.
I don't think there would be any value in formally addressing this as
part of the TC resolution on the init system question. If nothing
else, it would be rather circular to have people voting on whether to
disqualify each other. There is a clear constitutionally defined
process for excluding some TC members from voting on some matters,
which does not apply in the current situation.
If your concern is just that those messages from TC members aren't
"[discussion] in the committee" as you put it, I think simply
repeating the earlier messages, as postings to this bug, doesn't seem
to have much value.
But just for reference here are the urls I found of the contributions
from TC members and (ex-)DPLs on the subject of bias:
And generally on democracy vs technogracy (if I may put it like that):
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