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Re: FTP masters willingly blocking OpenStack nova 2013.1 just right before the OpenStack summit


On 15/04/13 at 19:49 +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Dear ctte, dear (new) DPL,

First, note that my term starts on the 17th.

> I decided to leave up to before the OpenStack summit to the FTP masters,
> so that they could approve Nova. With no reply from them, which made me
> miss my dead line, I am left with no other option but to escalate the issue.

What deadline are you talking about?
Missing a self-imposed deadline is not a good thing, I agree. But
isn't escalating an issue to meet a self-imposed deadline a bit

> Note that I am already very upset about what happened because it puts me
> in a less good position to discuss with Canonical folks about a joined
> effort for the packaging of OpenStack, here at the summit in Portland. I
> have expressed this concern publicly on the OpenStack packaging list,
> and to the FTP master themselves, with absolutely no reaction from them.
> It seems they don't care, or are willingly ignoring my repeated requests.

I agree with the importance of working with other OpenStack packagers.
I agree that it could be easier when packages are in Debian (though
it's not really clear to me why).
But in that case, couldn't you just use an unofficial repo in the
meantime, or point to a VCS?

> To all of you: what advice can you give to escalate this issue in the
> best way possible?

Avoiding ad hominem attacks would be a good start.

In the specific case of the split in several binary packages (which
seems to be the only remaining issue blocking the acceptance of the
package), the TC is probably a much more suitable body to rule on this
(once, as Ian said, it is clear that other solutions have failed).


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