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Bug#573745: Things have changed significantly for the better

On 07/06/2010 12:04 PM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> [Steve Langasek, 2010-07-06]
>> I think the python
>> packages ought to have more than two comaintainers, and there are any number
>> of folks with no Ubuntu affiliation who might join the team - you yourself
>> would be a prime candidate, IMHO.
> I don't have enough skills to handle other architectures, I don't have
> enough motivation right now to and first of all: I do not have enough
> time (join DPMT / PAPT and start checking/sponsoring packages and I
> will start working on interpreter packages instead)
>> But I won't dignify the absurd claims that Ubuntu
>> or Canonical somehow *want* Ubuntu to be ahead of Debian on python. 
> I don't know if you want it or not, the problem is you're doing it and
> later forcing us to use Ubuntu solutions and thus slowing us down (it
> doesn't matter if these solutions are broken or not, I already listed
> examples for both on debian-python mailing list). I don't care if you
> discuss Debian Python stuff at UDS, but I do want to have it discussed
> also on debian-python mailing list *before* upload to Debian. You can do
> whatever you want if you will use it in Ubuntu only, although I feel sad
> that my work is wasted and packages synced from Debian without a single
> change, do not work in Ubuntu.

Strong ack (and that is a general problem, but worse for Python).

>>> * Give python-defaults, python3-defaults, python-central and
>>>   setuptools/distribute packages to a team chosen by CTTE and accepted by
>>>   bug submitters. If they will choose to include me, the first thing I
>>>   will propose to do after releasing Squeeze will be a RM request of
>>>   python-central with all packages converted to dh_python2 or
>>>   python-support if it will make sense² (I'd prefer to convert all
>>>   python-support based packages to dh_python2 as well)
>> How do you define "bug submitters" for this purpose?
> #573745's one (Luca, Josselin, Sandro and Bernd)
>> Why do you believe it necessary to change the maintainership of the
>> python-central package to accomplish a transition to dh_python2?
> all other attempts to merge -support and -central failed and
> transition to dh_python2 is not (yet?) accepted by Debian Python
> community

We definitely need to get rid of the mess of different helpers in Squeeze+1
without waiting until a month before the freeze. The reason that there are two
helpers is insane enough and it is about time to fix that.

>> It was my
>> understanding that Matthias is already on board with deprecating
>> python-central in favor of dh_python2, in which case there doesn't seem to
>> be any reason for the TC to intervene.
> if I will not be part of python-defaults' team, dh_python2 will
> die most probably (I hope at least dh_python3 will survive in
> python3-defaults)
>> Furthermore, it would be contrary to
>> Debian best practices to remove python-central from the archive while it
>> still had reverse-dependencies in the archive;
> "with all packages converted to dh_python2 or python-support"
>> The python-defaults and python3-defaults packages already have a maintainer
>> team, and you're a member.  Is this inadequate for these packages?  In what
>> way?  If the current maintenance team for these packages is wrong, who do
>> *you*, as a current co-maintainer, think should be on that team?
> let CTTE and bug submitters decide if they're happy with us or not (if
> they will decide to remove Matthias from Maintainer, it will not mean
> Scott and I will stop working with him, it will only mean we will be the
> only ones to blame)

I'm wondering why there should be more than one team to maintain -defaults and
Python itself. It doesn't make sense to have more than one team as it makes the
coordination even harder. There should be one team where people who have the
skill and knowledge to work on the packages work together. Everybody with the
necessary skills *and* willingness to work in a team should be allowed to join
the team. Of course this includes Matthias, *if* he is willing to work in a
team, otherwise it doesn't make sense.

 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 http://bzed.de                                http://www.debian.org
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