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Re: Bug#573745: Please decide on Python interpreter packages maintainership

On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 02:02:29PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> The existing maintainer has not discussed this matter in public with
> us nor made any public comment.  I personally have had no
> communication with the existing maintainer.  There have been a few
> indirect personal conversations with some people that I know of, but
> these have not produced conclusions.

This suggests a form of default judgement, penalizing one party for "failing
to appear" before the TC.  However, the stated duties of a maintainer don't
include defending one's maintenance practices before the TC; while it makes
our work harder to adjudicate without the maintainer's input, I'm not
willing to make a political statement like this with my TC vote.

Furthermore, among those who've had indirect personal conversations with
Matthias is Bdale, a member of the TC; and the only members of the TC who
have cc:ed Matthias in this discussion have been Bdale and Andi.  If further
comment is required from Matthias, I don't think enough has been done to
make this clear to him.

> Here is a draft resolution:


>   1. Python maintenance in Debian has been suffering problems;

>   2. We have had no formal response to our enquiries from the existing
>      maintainer.


>   3. According to our power in the Debian Constitution to decide who
>      should be the maintainer of a package in cases of dispute, the
>      maintainership of the Python packages is hereby transferred to
>      a new team, consisting initially of the following people:
> 	   Luca Falavigna
> 	   Josselin Mouette
> 	   Sandro Tosi
> 	   Bernd Zeimetz
>      Until the team decides otherwise, any controversial decision
>      shall be taken by majority vote.

This is tantamount to saying that if you don't like a maintainer, it's ok to
behave in so repugnant a manner that they refuse to waste any more time
talking to you and then demand the TC unseats that maintainer for
"communication issues".  Python maintenance has been a problem for Debian
for a number of years, but Josselin's comportment has been part of the
problem and he is not part of the solution.

I will unconditionally vote against any resolution that has as its outcome
the inclusion of Josselin or Bernd as comaintainers of the python packages
- the things they *do* say on debian-python are at least as poisonous to the
development of a healthy python maintainership community as Matthias's
silence, and I have no intention of endorsing or rewarding such behavior.

The parallel efforts of folks such as Piotr, Scott and Barry to understand
the technical impasses blocking progress, and to identify satisfactory
compromises, have done far more to improve the state of python in Debian
over the past 9 months in real terms than anything I've seen from the
members of the proposed maintainer team, or anything I would expect this
committee to be able to accomplish by fiat.  If we are to change the
maintainership of the python packages, these are the people we should
consider first and foremost for the role; and I doubt that a TC resolution
will be required to make that happen.

>   6. "The Python packages" means these packages:
> 	  python
> 	  python2.5
> 	  python2.6
> 	  python3.1
> 	  distribute
> 	  python-central
> 	  python-defaults
> 	  python-old-doctools
> 	  python3-defaults

Er, you're proposing a maintainership team including Josselin will take over
the python-central package?  I question whether you've understood the nature
of the dispute.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slangasek@ubuntu.com                                     vorlon@debian.org

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