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Re: Processed: destruction of round-robin functionality is fucking up our mirrors and making Debian suck for many people, hence fixing this is a release-critical "wish"

On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 03:35:51PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 07:51:18PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > > I've asked DSA for server-status already, and mentioned the logs too,
> > > we'll see (they haven't replied yet).
> > Server status is configured on localhost.
> OK, so I started measuring that too, and the rates for the last half a day
> or so are:
> * villa: 20.4 rps, 6.18 Mbps
> * lobos: 18.9 rps, 6.23 Mbps
> * steffani: 40.0 rps, 15.92 Mbps
> The ratios for both parameters are matching the general bandwidth ratios,
> so the measurements should be correct.

As of, umm, 2007-12-18 08:30 UTC (about 20 hours ago), testing users
should be starting to hit each mirror equally. So for future numbers,
we should have a noticable change which should result in all the testing
users assigned to classes B and C appearing in class A.

The numbers so far have gone:

    villa:     4.29 (19%) ->  5.33 (21%) ->  6.18 (22%)
    lobos:     3.91 (17%) ->  4.92 (20%) ->  6.23 (22%)
    steffani: 14.86 (64%) -> 14.58 (59%) -> 15.92 (56%)

The calculations give:

    A   = 18.84 MB/s (67%)
    B   =  9.64 MB/s (34%)
    C-F = -0.15 MB/s (-1%)

That's obviously a pretty odd outcome for C-F, and is due to lobos
getting more traffic than villa, which shouldn't be happening according
to RR+rule9. I guess means that the random factors amongst about 30% of
hosts (1/3rd of the hosts in class A/B) are playing a bigger role than
the entirety of class C (about 5% of hosts at last estimate), ie, we
have an random noise factor of about 17% (about 6.51 MB/s in total)...
That's not unreasonable given the usage patterns for security.d.o,
though I was hoping they'd cancel out better :(

Working with requests rather than b/w, which will have noise due to the
number of packages needing an update rather than the total size of the
packages and Packages files needing an update, gives:

    A   = 52.2 rps (66%)
    B   = 22.6 rps (28%) 
    C-F =  4.5 rps ( 6%)

which is closer to what I'd expect given previous estimates, though still
notably different to the earlier 55%/40%/5% split based on bandwidth. Note
that A included all unstable users who'd upgraded in the past week or so,
as well as hosts. In future it will include all
testing users who've upgraded since the 18th UTC, up until the DNS change.


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