Bug#154950: Thoughts on GNOME 2 transition
Raphael Hertzog writes ("Bug#154950: Thoughts on GNOME 2 transition"):
> I urge the technical committee to take a sensible decision (ie one of
> the three solutions proposed in my initial mail) quickly. [...]
You're right that we are taking too long. I'd like to propose that we
hold an IRC meeting between interested parties - not to decide, but to
discuss questions. We'd publish the log to this bug report, and I'd
write up a summary.
I'm available:
Thursday 29th August unavailable
Friday 30th August 1900 - 0200
Saturday 31st August 0900 - 1300
Sunday 1st September 0900 - 0200
Monday 2nd September unavailable
Tuesday 3rd September 1900 - 0200
Wednesday 4th September 1900 - 0200
Thursday 5th September unavailable
Would everyone who would like to participate, please mail me privately
with their availability, and say which if any Gnome package(s) they
maintainer or any other relevant status they hold ?
Please pass this message on to appropriate people. If there's a
separate Gnome list it would be good to announce it there.
> If you provide us a resolution that imposes Gnome 2 and Gnome 1.4
> to coexist on the same system, you risk to have a bad precedent :
> nobody listening to the technical committee because the
> recommandation is completely inapplicable and has absolutely no
> supporters within the Gnome maintainers.
It does seem that you may be right on this point - that no-one wants
to make them coexist.
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