Bug#154950: gnome1/gnome2 transition issues
Le Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 08:27:52AM -0400, Raul Miller écrivait:
> Reading his message, I got the idea that we might have an operational
> bottleneck with gnome2 in unstable. Given that people tend to use apt
> to upgrade their systems, it's difficult to imagine how gnome1 packages
> in unstable will get much exposure before being moved to testing. This
> increases the risk that we'll introduce an inadvertent bug into testing
> with these packages.
This is true if you create separate "gnome1" packages, otherwise it
means nothing since Gnome 1.4 is already in testing...
> But, I have to ask (since I don't know): Is this really an issue?
The only possible issue is that Gnome1.4 in testing won't be updatable
via unstable. You'd have to update it through testing-proposed-updates
and annoy the Release Manager to get it installed.
> In the past, I've seen people offer up very unstable packages outside
> the official tree, so that regular debian work wouldn't be impacted.
Gnome 2 is not very unstable. None of the problems mentionned would
result in a non-fonctionnal desktop.
> It might make sense to ask Christian to do this with the gnome2 packages,
> BUT.. only if doing this would really save work.
> Can someone tell me what work would be saved if he were to operate
> in this fashion? [Because I think this would involve extra work for
> him.]
> Also: note that if only one or two package maintainers are affected,
> they could themselves create their own aptable web locations so that
> people who rely on gnome could put testing and this hypothetical gnome1
> repository in sources.list.
> Comments?
I'm completely lost here ... I don't understand your suggestions and
Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com
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