Re: Bug#154950: (no subject)
Le Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 10:58:58PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe écrivait:
> Er, how many packages are we talking about here?
> We have in the past kept multiple versions available when they do not
> conflict and are not very compatible (ie emacs) but if we are talking
> about 50 packages...
Keepping two Gnome versions in unstable and expect them to be
releasable at any time is simply not realistic (doable but not realistic
at all).
Gnome2 means gtk 2, gnome1.4 means gtk 1.2. Having a consistant gnome
1.4 in unstable, means keeping old version (working with gtk1.2) of
all software that are ported to GTK2 (ie all software using gtk).
Most of the time, the switch to GTK2 means that the old gtk1.2 version
is going to be dropped soon. Therefore we'd have many old applications
no more supported by the upstream authors. It is really not desirable.
Of course, during the Gnome2 switch, some apps will continue to work
with 1.4 until they are ported. That means that we won't have a
fully consistent Gnome2 desktop for several months but that's how
things are going on. Putting no incentive on porting them to Gnome2 is
not going to help that move ...
> Even so, what sort of implications are there for having both installed at
> once?
You just can't. Gnome 1.4 and Gnome 2 provides binaries who have the
same name... gnome-session, etc.
The 2 set of packages would have to conflict in any case.
Raphaël Hertzog -+-
Formation Linux et logiciel libre :
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