Bug#154950: gnome1/gnome2: What other choices do we have?
Le Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 03:59:36PM -0400, Raul Miller écrivait:
> This seems to me to mean that the best action, on the part of the
> committee, would be to do nothing.
Certainly not. Let me explain why :
> At the moment, "the best" seems to be "let the package maintainer continue
> working on the problem."
Hum, that's the problem. There's more than one maintainer involved and
they don't agree together.
For example, Christian Marillat is maintaining most of the core Gnome
programs. But Chris Waters who maintains Orbit disagrees with
Christian's plan. There's also Bastien Nocera (file-roller package and
also an upstream Gnome developer) who disagrees.
Anyway, I don't have a precise list of who defends each solution, you
know enough when you know that not all Debian maintainers agree
The worst that can happen is that each follow his own plan,
thus the request to the technical committee.
> > > Can we fall back on 6.3.5 here? [That is: we're being asked to make a
> > > decision, but couldn't we be pushing back and asking for more detailed
> > > proposals?]
> >
> > I really don't know what you need more... you have to be more precise in
> > what you need.
> What's ironic is that these two paragraphs say essentially the same thing.
Well, you want more detailed proposals, but I don't know how I can give
you more detailed proposals, imho you have enough information about the
actual propositions. If you need more details, you have to ask precise
questions and not only "can you give more details". :-)
Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com
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